Thursday, June 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Jackson!!!

Although he didn't arrive until 7:38pm, today is Jackson's birthday! I'll post pictures tonight of our day, but right now, Jackson is running around ON his birthday IN his birthday suit! He didn't want a diaper on after I changed him, so I didn't force the issue and my little man is running around with "his little man" sticking out! He likes walking around in the buff I guess! Such a free spirit!! Ha!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

One year ago tonight...

As I am sitting here tonight trying to busily get things finished for Jackson's first birthday party, I can't help but get emotional and sentimental about the events that happened just one year ago. A year ago, I checked into Clear Lake Regional for my scheduled induction. At noon, Adam, Mom and I ate lunch at Angelo's. Then at 5:30, Mom came over to help me make sure I had everything ready to go and snapped a few pics of Adam and I and my big belly before we headed to the hospital. At 6:00, I was in my room, waiting for the nurse to insert the Cervidal. I had told her that I had been having trouble sleeping, so she gave me 2 Ambien...and then it was all down hill from there! As many of you have heard my Ambien story, let's just say that Ramie and Ambien don't mix! At this very second, I was seeing pirates and gold and "the ladies that were going to be so mad" and crying hysterically--all while sleeping! And in the morning, after HOURS of sitting and waiting for him to make an appearance, they went in and stole him from his comfy place....and I remember it all, like it JUST happened....and I miss it. I LOVED being pregnant, I loved my birth story, and I loved the anticipation that came with not knowing when Jackson would get here or what he would look like or act like. Little did I know that he would be the most amazing little man. He is Adam's and I's whole world. We really don't know what life was like before he was here, because he adds so much to it. He has changed us both in more ways than you can count!
And even now, even after an entire year of having him with me and looking and him everyday and watching him grow, I still get choked up thinking about how lucky and blessed I am to be a parent and a mommy to him. I love you, Jackson, and I'm so happy that you are part of my life!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Workin Man

This weekend consisted of one thing: projects! I had a list. Actually, here is the list that I emailed Adam, as a starter list:

Front Yard
1. Mow, edge, trim, weed--everything, front and back
2. Spray/trim Crepe Myrtles in the front yard (blue bottle)
3. Spray bug killer on all plants in the front yard (green bottle)
4. Trim and spray hibiscus in the front yard
5. Mix and pour white bottle on all plants in the front yard

Back Yard and Beyond
1. Trim and weed red tips
2. Trim all the trees the back yard
3. Fix the fence
4. Trim Crepe Myrtles in the Beyond
5. Broadcast bug killer in the yard in the back and beyond
6. Edge around the crepe myrtles in the beyond
8. Set up umbrellas
9. Put together Jackson's birthday presents
20. Clean up garage (put away all studio stuff and blow out/mop floors)

So needless to say, we had a big weekend ahead of us. On top of that, Jackson's birthday twin, Delaney, had her party on Sunday, so we had to get everything done before 12:30 on Sunday! Yikes! Well, we got almost everything done on Saturday! Yeah! But Adam decided that he wanted to get a gas-powered hedge trimmer to tackle the red tips, and we needed a board to fix the side fence, so we had to go to Home Depot on Sunday morning. Well, that started our whole day...

Jackson totally clung to Adam during our entire trip to Home Depot--Mommy could not hold him. Once we got to the house, everytime I put Jack Jack down, he would first scream, then cry that sad sad big tears cries. So I knew this was not going to be a good day. He needed a nap and a bottle, both of which he refused (little sucker). So I called Delaney's mom Courtney to tell her my son was not cooperating, so the party was out of the question. As I was doing this, Adam headed outside to tackle the red tips, thus sending Jackson into a tailspin, again. Not only did he want Daddy, the hedge trimmers scared the sh** out of him, and everytime Adam would turn it on, Jack would scream and reach out for Adam, like he was being hurt and Jack wanted to save him. FINALLY, sitting outside watching Mommy and Daddy working, Jackson became tired and we were able to put him down about 2:30. When he woke up, he was in a much better mood!! He found my goggles that I use when I weed (okay, honestly, I've never used the Weed-Eater before...ever. I hate it. It's heavy and I'm afraid I'm going to cut my toe off. But today, I became brave and weed-eated the beyond (the mass of land behind our fence that is technically ours) where the crepe myrtles are! So proud!)

When Jackson found the goggles, he tried, literally, for about 10 minutes to get them on by himself. Everytime he would put them to his face, he would try and look at them and go cross-eyed! Then Daddy decided to help, and he looked so cute in those darn goggles! Love him!

So we missed the birthday party, but we got alot of stuff done. I also had a photo shoot last night--so we had a BUSY weekend! But, we are almost ready for Jackson's big birthday bash next weekend. I can't wait!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lil Squirt

I FINALLY got Jackson's Lil Squirt splash pad in the mail yesterday, so we took it over to GG Jane's to play in her backyard this afternoon after we made the cake. (notice the fat belly--that's after 2 days of sugar and fun with her! Ha!) I got it from my fav store, One Step Ahead(can't get enough of them!) We let him run naked outside! (and yes, he is playing with his pee pee in one of the pics!) Needless to say, I think you can tell that he liked his little pool!

Only at GG Jane's....

...can this child get away with being so messy and eating so much sugar! At my house, Jackson gets little to no sugar. We eat pretty healthy--lots of organic, veggies, fruits, etc. But nothing is off limits at GG Jane's! He already knows exactly where the pantry is--the minute we walk in the door, he grabs her finger and pulls her over to the pantry door, points, and says "ndat, ndat".

This week has been filled with Mommy working with clients and on the phone alot and getting images out, so we have spent the last few days at GG Jane's hanging out and playing. Yesterday, Jackson got a banana Popsicle (they were sugar free, but still!) and was allowed to roam freely throughout the house (while it melted down his arm)! Again, this would NEVER happen at my house! I am such a freak about it being clean, and sticky floors are a no no! But GG Jane spoils him rotten, so he can do no wrong over there. (Although this is probably the reason he looks like pig pen when we get home and always needs a bath!) (excuse my sloppy coloring, I was in a hurry to process and post these!)

Today, we were over again, this time to make Jackson's "practice" birthday cake. I'm making and decorating his cake, so I needed a trial run. I set Jack Jack in his chair with some Gerber Graduates Lil Entrees, and let him chow down on the raviolis. Instead of eating them, Jackson decided to finger paint with the sauce instead, and although I think this is utterly disgusting, and again, I wouldn't allow it at my house, I had to laugh hysterically because I think at first, he thought he was in trouble, then saw me laughing, stuck his tongue out at me and enjoyed "painting" for about 10 more minutes! This is probably why he loves his GG Jane--her house is just too much fun! ....but now it's time for another bath!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

This morning, the whole family was up bright and early to start our Father's Day! We had a long day ahead of us. We stopped by Kroger first, to grab some special things, then on to see Grandpa Scott first. Jackson walked in carrying a balloon on a stick that said "Dad" (from me) for Grandpa, along with a chocolate cake that said "Happy Father's Day" (his favorite, although I'm sure he would have preferred a cake from Randall's--they have the best chocolate cakes, but it was not on the way!) and a dish of 3's company Sushi--his other favorite! We spent about an hour with my side of the family, then it was off on a road trip to El Campo to see Grandma Doug for a father's day/birthday party for him! Jackson walked into Grandpa Doug's with a balloon on a stick that said "Dad" (from Adam)! We saw the entire family: Clint, Rickie, Marley, Austin, Elliott, Kayla, Camden, and Grandma Patty! We had a great dinner followed by the best ice cream cake! (I love my father-in-law...he always has ice cream in the fridge! Cake at my dad's and ice cream at the in-laws...possible why these last 5 lbs won't come off!!) We got some images of all the boys and their kiddos on their 1st (Clint's 3rd) father's day!

Adam, Jackson, Grandpa Doug

All the boy and Marley

Clint, Austin, Grandpa Doug, Marley

Elliott, Grandpa Doug, Camden

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Baby's 1st Hair Cut

So we broke down today and took Jackson to get his hair cut. It was getting a little long in the back--it hung over his collar and a little bit over his ears (he looked like an old man!) There is a place by our house called Cool Cuts 4 Kids--they have games and little cars and tv and video games! It's so cute! So Jackson got to sit in a yellow taxi cab car and watch the movie "CARS" while the lady snipped his baby hair off! He just sat there like such a good boy. He had a nervous look on his face and his shoulders were up like "what are you doing to me?" but he never cried or screamed. Just sat there staring in the mirror and then at the other kids and then would watch Daddy like "don't leave me here!" Only toward the end did he want out of the chair, but she was good at getting his attention and keeping him in there while she buzzed around his ears (but not before first showing him that strange tool she was using!) They even gave us the cutest little card that has his hair and a polaroid of his "First Hair Cut" for the baby book! And in the end, Jackson got a lollipop that he put right in his mouth, as if he had had one before! (he's never had a sucker--unless one of the grandma's snuck one in!) He looks so handsome now! I love it!

Baby Butt Crack

On Thursday, I got all of my work done by 2:00 so that we could put our suits on and hit the pool for a little bit of sun. I found Jackson some little water shoes so that he could wear them to Palm Beach, but I let him wear them in Grandma's backyard too because the cool deck was hot for some reason. After we splashed for a little bit in the pool, Jackson wanted to 1. Play with the radio and dance (he couldn't get the music loud enough) and 2. Play in the Rocks (typical boy) No clue as to why he felt the need to SIT in the rocks too, but he's stubborn and anytime I'd move him, he would crawl back through the rocks--so if it hurt him, it was his own fault. I take it it didn't bother him too badly. He sat there for about 20 minutes just picking up the rocks, and putting them in the bucket, and then throwing them back in the rock pile and then lining them up....whatever keeps him occupied! But we got a peek at his crack everytime he would reach for a new rock!